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Planning Board Minutes 01/30/2014
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Members present:  Vice-Chairman Tom Jameson, Ex-Officio Jeff Jordan, Stan Brehm, Richard Moore, Tom Houle, Allen Mayville, Mike Williams, Alan Williams, and Secretary Jamie A Pike.

Others Present:  Don Peterman, Brandon Giuda, Douglas Hall, Elizabeth Thompson, Donna and Fred Chagnon, Brad Towle, Ross and Katie Bennette, Ben Brown, Joseph Brown, Tim Ordway, Jon Halle, Kate Rafferty Hall, James Plunkett, Linda Rauter, Ann Davis and Philip Hitchcock.

Vice Chairman Jameson called the meeting to order at 6:32pm.

Pursuant to RSA 673:11, Vice Chairman Jameson appointed Mr. A Williams as a voting member for the purposes of this meeting.

The minutes of January 16th were reviewed.  A motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Mr. Mayville to approve the minutes as written.  Motion Passes.

Lot Line Adjustment – Brown/Kelly Map 7 Lot 35-2 and 26-2 located on Ferrin Road.
Surveyor Raymond Shea of Sanford Surveying was present to speak on the merits of the application.

The purpose of the LLA is to separate the existing home located on Lot 26-2 onto Lot 35-2.  The existing home was built and approved as an accessory dwelling for elderly relatives.    The remaining lot 26-2 will have 5 acres with 4.76 acres of uplands exceeding the 80% requirement.  Lot will become 66.5 acres.  Each home has its own septic, well and driveway access.  Both properties have excess of 600 feet of frontage.  Waivers are requested for topography, and wetlands upon the  65 acre parcel.  

A motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Mr. Mayville to accept application as complete and grant the waiver from the topography requirement.  Motion Passes.

Vice –Chairman Jameson opened the Public hearing upon the application.

Being no comments from any abutters or the general public, a motion was made by Mr. Mayville and seconded by Mr. Williams to approve the application as submitted.  Motion Passes.

Public Hearing Zoning Amendment #1 –

Vice-Chairman Jameson reviewed the ordinance as drafted pointing out the key factors.  

Mr. Giuda discussed his surprise regarding the ordinance as he feels the Planning Board is supposed to follow the Master Plan which discusses no expansion of the Commercial Zone.  Mr. Giuda feels the existing ordinance suits the Town well.  Mr. Giuda explained that he is currently challenging the recent ZBA signage variances through the court system.  Mr. Giuda also feels the Planning Board is making a great error in imposing restrictions on residential signage and relaxing the commercial signage. Mr. Jameson acknowledged Mr. Giuda’s statements and that; yes, a lot of direction was taken from recent ZBA decisions.  There was great reach out to the business owners for their input to craft the ordinance.  Mr. Moore points out that there has been no outcry regarding the variances that have been granted for increased signage.  Mr. Giuda stated he is strongly opposed to the ZBA decisions and the proposed ordinance.  Mr. Houle stated that there are many other items in the master plan that have not been followed to the extent of the recommendations.  

Stan Brehm discussed how the Board researched other ordinances, and feels restriction on residential areas are adequate.  It is clearly evident that unrestricted signage in the residential zones could mar the image of the Town. The Planning Board along with their responsibility to follow the master plan is also responsible for the economic development of the community.  

Mr. Moore feels it is appropriate to put the amendment in front of the voters.

Linda Rauter stated that she sees sky glow from her home on Canterbury Road. She feels there is too much sky glow, would like further restrictions and greater enforcement of the existing ordinance. Ms. Rauter also stated that she would prefer not to see EMC’s  

Continued discussion discovered that Section 6 restricts lighting for all residences except businesses.

The Board made minor modifications to correct sign restrictions for residences and as these reflect the continued intent to not place undue restrictions on the residential/non-commercial uses and are not felt to be substantive changes.

Public Hearing Zoning Amendment #2 –

Following a discussion of the lighting of flags for residential versus commercial uses, the language was modified to read as:  The illumination of Federal, State, Local and Military Service flags customarily associated with a principal residential use and is not of a commercial nature.

Being no further discussion:

A motion was made by Mr. A Williams and seconded by Mr. Houle to adopt Zoning Amendment #2 in its final form as amended.   Motion passes

A motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Mr. Houle to approve Zoning Amendment #1 in its final form as amended.  Motion Passes
Mr. Jordan thanked those present for their input on the amendments before them and thanked the Board for what he felt was one of the best Board discussions in some time.

Being no further discussion a motion was made by Mr. Mayville and seconded by Mr. A Williams to adjourn the meeting at 8:59pm. Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike                            

Not approved until signed.

Tom Jameson, Vice Chairman